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The top 5 examples of Microsoft Power BI dashboard templates

Dmitri Koteshov
Dmitri Koteshov

Senior Digital Content and PR executive

April 19, 2021


The top 5 examples of Microsoft Power BI dashboard templates

The top 5 examples of Microsoft Power BI dashboard templates

Dmitri Koteshov
Dmitri Koteshov

Senior Digital Content and PR executive

April 19, 2021


The top 5 examples of Microsoft Power BI dashboard templates
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People live in a world full of data. This statement is especially true for the domain of modern business and politics. From the banking sector to the agricultural industry, various organizations resort to multiple sources of information on a daily basis. Thanks to data analysis, companies optimize sales and logistics, get to know their customers better, and come up with the most suitable marketing campaigns and offers.

However, having raw data is not enough. Instead, the question boils down to understand it. That’s where technology comes in handy. Data analytics tools available in the market allow organizations to decipher all incoming data (real-time, historical, structured/unstructured, and qualitative) to identify patterns and generate actionable information.

Power BI dashboards help managers understand vast volumes of information. Eventually, they gain insights that significantly improve business performance and allow making data-driven business decisions. With that being said, let’s discover the top 5 Power BI dashboards worth your attention. The list includes dashboards for various industries to add a touch of variety to the article. 

Global Superstore

Superstore Overview

As its name explicitly suggests, the Global Superstore Dashboard provides a deeper look at a company's sales performance. The dashboard is an ideal tool to track performance targets, KPIs and analyze eventual results. The analytics are nicely placed, easy to read, and clean. 

The dashboard really shines when it comes to displaying data in a clear and easy-to-read manner. Apart from its fabulous look and feel, users have convenient access to metrics such as: 

  • Total sales, profit, and profit ratio;
  • Sales numbers by country;
  • Deals by category or subcategory;
  • Overall sales by city. 

Insights Delivery

Insights Delivery Dashboard

This Power BI dashboard template for delivery management allows processing orders on time. That’s pretty important considering the current COVID-19 situation and all the turmoil it generates. The Insight Delivery template consolidates business data in one place, carefully measures every step of the delivery process, and helps increase customer loyalty.

The template includes the following dashboards:

  • Summary page;
  • Delivery analysis dashboard, orders, and late delivery;
  • Financial analysis dashboard.

This Power BI-based template covers all the integral areas of a delivery business: order analysis, delivery efficiency, supply chain management, and financial results. Using the template, managers can: 

  • Gather and visualize important KPIs in one place;
  • Analyze historical data, discover seasonality and peak hours;
  • Plan orders and overall demand for couriers
  • Benefit from taking a closer look at the supply chain, couriers’ performance, delivery, and downtime.

The dashboard answers critical questions for any delivery business, such as “How long does it take to deliver an order?”, “What time of the day is the busiest, and how your delivery service handles this?”, and “Which courier performs poorly and causes the loss of money?”. 

The dashboard's visual aspect is neat, offering striking interactive visualization, graphic charts, and graphs, not to mention its rich customization possibilities. If the template had a motto, it would be something like “Discover far more opportunities with analytics.”

Pharma Sales Analysis

‍Pharma Sales Analysis

The Pharma Sales Analysis Dashboard is a tool that allows providers of veterinary products to check sales numbers for products used to treat small animals. With this dashboard, sales representatives have actionable insights for product sales numbers in various cities, from best to worst selling places, in terms of the overall results. The solution provides large-scale reports on sales by such parameters as “Therapeutic Group”, “Top 25 Products by Sales and Quantity”, or “Therapeutic Sales Trends” across chosen periods of time. 

Besides, it's worth mentioning the dashboard’s rich visual presentation. The display of data is clear and nicely arranged - a crucial feature for better understanding of multiple figures.

Attendance Tracker

Attendance Tracker

The Attendance Tracker Dashboard allows administrators to keep tabs on attendance across schools, classes, and teachers.  The solution comes with tabs such as “Absence Percentage by Subject”, “Courses'', “Period”, and “Day”. School administrators can get the percentage of “Actual and Target Absence”, “Total Absences”, and “Target Absences” sections.

The solution also provides information such as subject, course, period, and days of the week. Using this data, it gets easier to contact teachers individually and take educational value to a whole new level. All in all, the Attendance Tracker Dashboard is an ideal choice for both teachers and administrators. The dashboard's insights serve as a basis for developing educational plans for teachers, schools, and subjects. 

Team Performance vs. Target

Team Performance vs. Target

The Team Performance vs. Target dashboard helps identify the gap between a business's current performance level against set targets. 

Using the dashboard, teams can set various business goals and evaluate the eventual results later on. With this tool, it gets easier to detect areas for improvement for sales teams: clients, products, marketing campaigns, etc. 

Sales team members can move conveniently between pages and Turn on the drill-down feature on sections such as “Sales Reps”, “Customers”, and “Products”. The dashboard makes it possible to evaluate the percentage of YTD Results Vs. Target. The solution provides a detailed picture of each sales representative with corresponding metrics like Units or Profits. In addition, the “Period” tab allows analyzing and understanding both long and short-term trends.

This dashboard contains data on profit, average price, and margin within a specified location. Switching between Scatter and Matrix visuals allows identifying both product and sales opportunities within customers. The visual side of the solution is modern and well-customized. Overall, the dashboard is easy to understand and use, even for newcomers.

On a concluding note

When it comes to data analysis for business, all it matters is its ease of use. The business intelligence and data visualization solutions highlighted in this article assist decision-makers in analyzing data in its entirety. With the dashboards above, managers and salespersons can effortlessly visualize their data and come across valuable insights into business performance. To cut a long story short, such Power BI dashboards influence making data-driven decisions so that you can rely on rock-solid facts rather than intuition. 

Power BI Dashboards allow connecting to hundreds of information sources, simplifying its processing and dynamic analysis. Create great reports to check them in a browser or on mobile devices. The good news is that dashboards grating a complete overview of a company's state of affairs are now available to everyone. You can easily scale your solution with built-in management throughout your organization.

Certainly, the list could include other options from different providers. However, we wanted to touch on examples from multiple industries. One way or another, we hope that these dashboards will come in handy and help maintain data consistency, accuracy, and security within your enterprise.

P.S. Are you interested in creating a solution based on the PowerBI dashboard to understand your data? We can build a custom tool to suit the specific needs of your business. Contact us to get the details.

The handpicked list of the top 5 Microsoft Power BI dashboard templates.
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