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Top 18 most popular Angular open-source projects in 2022

Alexandra Skorobogataya
Alexandra Skorobogataya

Product Manager

June 19, 2020


Top 18 most popular Angular open-source projects in 2022

Top 18 most popular Angular open-source projects in 2022

Alexandra Skorobogataya
Alexandra Skorobogataya

Product Manager

June 19, 2020


Top 18 most popular Angular open-source projects in 2022
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The most popular Angular open-source projects you need to know

Representing an open-source framework built with TypeScript, Angular helps software engineers create performance and scalable web applications that can handle high loads. Initially launched in 2013, the tool is being maintained by the Angular development team at Google.

Packed with a range of useful features and components, Angular enables programmers to automate the process of making software products while increasing the end quality. This technology also helps them ensure consistency across all platforms and devices including mobile phones, tablets, PKs, and laptops.

In one of our recent articles, we’ve already described over 20 best Angular components. In this one, we will consider the most popular open-source Angular projects that will let you automate design and development, improve team productivity, and faster launch truly great products.

1. Storybook (User interface)

Stars on GitHub: 49,200+

Storybook (User interface)

Storybook is one of the best open-source Angular projects that allows teams to make UI (user interface) components for React.js, Vue, and Angular. Furthermore, support for React Native, a cross-platform framework, has been added recently.

This development environment runs outside of the application, which enables specialists to easily reuse various components. Employing this tool, you don’t have to worry about software-specific dependencies. As a consequence, you significantly reduce the time for creating and testing a digital product.

Many world-renowned companies built their software solutions using Storybook that involve Coursera, BBC Psammead, Semantic-UI, Uber React-Vis, Airbnb Dates, Wix Style React, and Buffer Components. Find more examples here .

2. Angular-CLI

Stars: 23,400+


Created on top of Angular DevKit, Angular-CLI serves for building, testing, and managing Angular applications. Representing a command-line interface (CLI) solution, it offers a variety of libraries for code deployment and analysis.

Using Angular-CLI, you can develop software from scratch, maintain the existing projects, and run numerous unit and other tests.

3. Ngx-admin

Stars on GitHub: 20,700+


Launched by our team at Akveo , ngx-admin is a web dashboard template that has a component-based structure. Being accessible free of charge, it is based on Angular 8+, Bootstrap 4+, and , another cool product invented by our company.

Furthermore, ngx-admin offers support for Eva Design System , which helps designers and developers faster build applications that provide an amazing user experience. As of today, it is one of the most well-known Angular open-source projects in the world.

Ngx-admin involves a number of useful features that include charts, tables, maps, forms, editors, a responsive layout, and a lot more. You can find 6 visual themes:

Ngx-admin provides clients with 2 dashboards-IoT and e-commerce-and 40+ pages. Being easily customizable, the product contains various UI components to design beautiful software solutions. Employing this template, you can save about $35,000 and nearly 500 hours on application development.

4. Angular Material

Stars on GitHub: 19,900+

Angular Material
Angular Material

This is one of the most popular Angular-based projects. Angular Material provides UI experts with a variety of design components allowing teams to build truly amazing products.

An important advantage is that designers can easily reuse these components across different applications, which makes the development process much faster. Angular Material contains detailed documentation and suits for creating cross-platform solutions.

5. A real-time Database for JavaScript Applications

Stars on GitHub: 13,300+

A real-time Database for JavaScript Applications

This Reactive Database (RxDB) is one of the most recognizable Angular open-source projects. Simply put, it is a NoSQL-database for JS-based apps that involve websites, PWAs (progressive web apps), hybrid solutions, Electron-applications, etc.

Helping developers build software faster, RxDB also allows them to protect large amounts of user and client data with an encryption module. If a digital product is hacked, the intruder won’t access sensitive information. What’s more, RxDB allows engineers to increase performance and enable real-time replication with any endpoint that complies with CouchDB.

6. Starter Kits

Stars on GitHub: 10,400+

Starter Kits

This Angular open-source project serves as a starter for people who want to learn TypeScript or Angular. Starter Kits employs Webpack 4 for creating files and offers Angular examples to experiment with creating web applications.

The tool provides engineers with Jasmine and Karma to audit their code, Protractor to test software, a build system to work with TypeScript, and other useful things.

7. Ng-bootstrap

Stars on GitHub: 7,500+


Ng-bootstrap is one of the most loved Angular open-source projects that provides designers and engineers with Angular-powered Bootstrap widgets. It has no dependencies on third-party JavaScript. Ng-bootstrap enables support for the same browsers that Angular and Bootstrap 4 frameworks support. In order to set up a new software project, it’s better to employ Angular CLI.

8. Awesome Angular

Stars on GitHub: 7,300+

Awesome Angular

This is one of the cool Angular projects that contains a great list of code samples, design and third-party components, modules, repositories, style guides, books, video tutorials, as well as plenty of other tools and data to help engineers build and deploy high-quality web applications.


Stars on GitHub: 6,600+


NG-ZORRO is a set of enterprise-class user interface components for web applications. Based on Angular and Ant Design and Angular, this open-source project provides multiple cool features that include:

  • highly-customized themes
  • support of the OnPush mode
  • out-of-the-box Angular components
  • internationalization with support for dozens of languages
  • a package of various tools for designers and engineers

As of today, NG-ZORRO is one of the most popular Angular projects with open-source code.

10. Nebular

Stars on GitHub: 6,300+


Nebular is another project built by Akveo Angular development company. Representing an Angular UI library, which is based on Eva Design System, it can be easily customizable to your business-specific needs.

Nebular provides a wide range of modules for making modern user-friendly web applications. The tool offers numerous cool features such as 4 visual themes, about 40 UI components, support for Eva Icons (there are over 480 icons), security and authentication layers.

With Nebular, you can easily configure a variety of things like size, colors, shapes, etc. Nebular can be simply downloaded with Angular CLI to facilitate the app development process. 21k+ Github stars ngx-admin was built with Nebular and Eva design components.

11. AngularFire

Stars on GitHub: 6,100+


AngularFire is a library for Firebase, a comprehensive application development platform that easily integrates with iOS, Android, and the web. The library allows engineers to leverage the power of RxJS, Angular, and Firebase, as well as call the server code and manage binary data. It also enables server-side rendering, push notifications, and data synchronization in real-time.

This open-source Angular project contains detailed documentation with code examples and developer guides on how to upload files, integrate user authentication, deploy apps, monitor software performance and usage in production.

12. PrimeNG

Stars on GitHub: 6,000+


PrimeNG is the most complete Angular UI component library that now has more than 15 million downloads. Being available in Java, React, and Vue.js., PrimeNG provides software designers and engineers with numerous fully customizable templates (20) and components (80+). With the use of touch optimized responsive design elements, you will improve user experience and ensure consistency across all devices and platforms.

13. NgRx: Reactive libraries for Angular

Stars on GitHub: 5,900+

NgRx: Reactive libraries for Angular
NgRx: Reactive libraries for Angular

Representing a Reactive State for Angular, NgRx open-source project enables management of reactive state for Angular-based solutions inspired by Redux, a JavaScript library. Employing this tool, software experts receive the ability to easily unify events in their apps and derive states with the help of RxJS.

Since NgRx Schematics allows programmers not to create a common boilerplate, they can spend more time on building your software project. With NgRx Effects, engineers access a framework that lets them separate side effects from components, which facilitates development.

14. Angular Flex-Layout

Stars on GitHub: 4,900+

Angular Flex-Layout

Being one of the best Angular projects, Flex Layout offers a complex UI layout for web applications. Having component layout features, the tool simplifies and accelerates the process of using Flexbox CSS to browser view hierarchies. With Responsive API, it allows software engineers to specify various layouts, sizing, and other things much easier.

15. Angular-electron

Stars on GitHub: 3,800


This is another popular Angular project example that enables software developers to easily and quickly bootstrap and package apps using Angular 9 and Electron 8 for building web solutions. At the moment, the tool supports Angular version 9.1.4, Electron version 8.2.5, and Electron Builder v22.6.0.

Thanks to Angular-electron, engineers can run their applications in the production environment or in a local development environment, as well as pack products into executable files.

16. Nx: Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos

Stars on GitHub: 3,700+

Nx: Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos
Nx: Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos
Nx: Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos

Created in accordance with Google’s best practices, Nx provides software developers with a range of plugins for various tools and frameworks. Nx supports both mobile and web technologies that involve TypeScript, React, Angular, Storybook, Jest, Ionic (for cross-platform mobile app development), and a lot more.

Allowing engineers to connect the frontend and backend, Nx can be used to extend the process of building software from one app development team to many of them collaborating in the same workspace. In addition, programmers receive the ability to control code sharing and generation. This simplifies the working process while increasing team cohesion.

17. Compodoc

Stars on GitHub: 3,100+


Being a tool for Angular-based applications, Compodoc serves for creating documentation of your digital product. It provides support for all popular APIs of Angular framework, for instance, routes, modules, components, classes, directives, and other important elements.

Having 8 themes available, Compodoc has a search engine to allow web developers to quickly find the required information. The main features of this open-source Angular project are:

  • Angular CLI-friendly
  • Convenient search engine
  • Automatic table of contents
  • User-friendly navigation
  • Modern beautiful themes
  • Documentation is generated offline

With over 3,000 stars received on GitHub, Compodoc is one of the most useful and popular Angular free projects.

Closing thoughts

Angular provides a rich developer environment that includes various tools, UI components, documentation, and other cool things. Using Angular framework and Angular open-source projects reviewed in this article, you will automate working processes, increase team efficiency, as well as create, test, and deploy applications faster.

With facilitated design and development, you will easier release web solutions that ensure the seamless user experience across all devices and operating systems.

If you have some questions about Angular or want to request a consultation, contact our company . With solid experience in building digital products with Angular, we will help you address all technical challenges.

Top 18 most popular Angular open-source projects in 2022
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