Low-code vs no-code: the core differences and how to choose the right approach

Max Tsurbeliov
Max Tsurbeliov

Content Creator

September 15, 2022

Low-code vs no-code: the core differences and how to choose the right approach

Low-code vs no-code: the core differences and how to choose the right approach

Low-code vs no-code: the core differences and how to choose the right approach
Max Tsurbeliov
Max Tsurbeliov

Content Creator

September 15, 2022

Some users and even developers find it hard to distinguish between the low-code and no-code platforms. This is, primarily, due to the similarity of their purposes and some of their functions. 

However, there are lots of differences that make low-code and no-code two connected but separate concepts. Both have their own ecosystems, users, and types of applications and tools. In this article, we will clarify the similarities and differences between low-code and no-code. Here you’ll find:

  • Short definitions of low-code and no-code, and their place in the software development world;
  • How to differentiate between low-code and no-code platforms;
  • Practical use cases of low-code and no-code solutions;
  • Low-code and no-code concepts comparison table.

What are the low-code and no-code? 

Before we dive into the differences between the two development paradigms, we need to be clear about what they are. Thus, let’s start with the actual definitions of low-code and no-code.

Low-code development

Low-code development paradigm refers to software development tools and methods that allow developers to build software much faster. Instead of writing long code lines, developers compile code abstractions. Using a low-code platform, you can build various applications: from multifunctional workflow tools to sophisticated systems that include dozens of integrations and multiple features. 

At the same time, to unleash the full potential of a low-code platform you’ll inevitably need professional low-code development services. However, low-code platforms bring more transparency to the development process as long as you are able to control every step and have access to an account. Finally, low-code apps are deployed with a single click.

No-code development

The no-code software development platforms stay for their name and require no actual coding from their users. No-code frameworks offer small business owners and individuals a fast and easy way to build their own apps or internal workflow tools. No-code is more suitable for front-end development rather than back. So, the no-code paradigm is not about customization and various integration.

The central advantage of the no-code method is a low entrance threshold for non-techies. Thus, you can start to create your own application once you’ve got your no-code platform subscription. But before that, you may need an advice of a CTO to pick up the right no-code platform for your business needs. 

What do low-code and no-code have in common?

The fast and simple answer to this question is that both types of platforms aim at facilitating software development processes and have some similar functions. Low-code and no-code platforms can have the same drag-and-drop interfaces that allow users to create apps without coding.

In rare cases, a single platform can combine the elements of no-code and low-code. For instance, good old WordPress, a no-code platform by definition, allows developers to intervene and write code for custom website elements or integrations. 

So, we can’t say that there is a strict line between low-code and no-code platforms in terms of what’s possible. The software development community isn’t static - there are millions of ingenious developers, who constantly invent solutions for unique integrations, functionalities, etc. Often, the catalyst for such inventions comes from the actual business demands that push the limits of low-code or no-code platforms. But again, the customization for no-code is rather the exception than a rule: to find new methods of working with a no-code/low-code platform requires the deepest expertise and talent from developers which are hard to find. 

Low-code vs no-code: features, purposes, and users

To compare the low-code and no-code effectively, we need to identify the dimensions or points of relevance from which to weigh up the two approaches. So, our comparison will be based on the following aspects:

Software complexity

Variety, and the extension capacity of the apps.


Low-code stays closer to high-code in terms of the potential for unique and high-level apps. As long as you have expert and experienced low-code developers on your side, there is very much possible for your business. With low-code platforms, you can build anything from multi-featured mobile applications to enterprise-level internal tools for workflow optimization and routine task automation. 


Applications produced by no-code platforms won’t shine in the variety of features and integrations. Some of them offer quite an impressive set of features and a decent list of 3’d party services to employ. Still, no-code’s capacity for customization and complex features is nowhere near to the low-code’s.

Conclusion: Low-code allows for complex software development while no-code provides a quick way to create an app with basic features. 

Development speed

Apps’ time to market and software delivery pace.


Low-code development project’s time frame highly depends on the complexity of an app and the development team. For example, you may need only two weeks to see a simple (yet branded) application, developed by a single developer. On the other hand, when you are looking for unique features, a custom set of integrations, the software development project can last a few months. Overall, the low-code app building process is significantly faster than traditional high-code development. 


A no-code platform is the fast track to single-feature or few-feature apps. You can build no-code apps even in a few hours. Of course, the such an app would be incomparable to a low-code produced software in terms of functionality and visual quality. But no-code platforms sacrifice complexity to offer development speed and ensure a seamless user experience for business owners and managers that have little to no coding skills. 

Conclusion: Low-code development: 2-3 weeks - several month. No-code development: few days - few weeks.


Target audience. Those, who will benefit the most from using a certain type of platform.


Low-code platforms serve SMEs as well as large enterprises. Firstly, because of the relative complexity of the development process that requires professional developers to execute and, therefore, a solid budget. 

The low-code app development team usually includes 

  • A CTO or a senior-class developer to choose the platform to suit your project requirements. Also, a tech lead will supervise the project to make sure that the development direction stays in line with your expectations.
  • A small team of developers (2-3) to deliver the custom code parts. 

Secondly, due to the width of features and integrations that allows for large-scale applications and internal tools. This means that other user categories are unlikely to prioritize such features for their business apps. 


Individuals and small businesses are most likely to leverage some kind of a no-code solution. Mainly, this is because of its low prices that come from the opportunity not to hire the development team. Also, these user groups have little demand for complexity and integrations. So, the simple yet functional no-code apps can perfectly match the needs of these groups without being a burden on their wallets. 

The simplicity of the apps does not mean that large businesses never turn to the no-code platforms. They rarely do, for the purposes of creating single-feature apps to cover some of the tasks. 

Conclusion: Low-code is for businesses that can afford to hire a small development team and aim at complex software. No-code platforms are accessible for small businesses and individuals with low budgets and demand for a simple app.  


Accessibility, the need for professional developers to step in.


Unless you are not quite an experienced developer with a solid understanding of how software gets delivered, you’ll need professional assistance to make the low-code platform work for you. Low-code solutions provide a seamless user experience for professional developers while rookies will have difficulties writing and arranging specific code patterns. At the same time, it’s easy for the customers to control the low-code app development progress and the code quality. 


Simplicity of use is the core feature of no-code platforms. Building the no-code application is just the compilation of ready-made code clusters and components. There’s no need for professional developers for the no-code app development process is about dragging and dropping the elements on the so-called canvas. Often, the canvas of no-code solutions has a strict positioning, eliminating the possibility of the wrong code components arrangement. Just for the illustration, take a look at the gif below.  

No-code mobile app development process in Adolo. Source: Devtechnosys.com

Conclusion: Low code platforms are easy-to-use for the professionals. No-code development is accessible for anyone who wants to create a simple app or internal tool.

Software types you can create with low-code and no-code platforms.

The are tons of low-code and no-code development frameworks for various business purposes. Some of the platforms support the development of all kinds of applications and workflow tools. Let’s have a look at the types of applications you can create using low-code/no-code solutions in terms of their functional variety. 

Mobile development


Low-code mobile app development is designed for the creation of complex apps on relatively short notice. With such a platform, you can produce any type of mobile app for any purpose. It will include integration with banking services, APIs, and databases (both local and cloud). 

Also, low-code mobile development is a shortcut to a functional PoC or MVP that will allow you to test your business idea before putting your full efforts into development.

Examples: Mendix, Appian, Back4app.


No-code mobile development is an ideal way to create a marketplace or single-feature business app. If you need to get your business up and running fast and on minimum investments, one of the no-code mobile apps is for you.

Examples: Thunkable, Glide.

Web development


With low-code website builders, you can create any type of web application and integrate it with the same set of integrations as mobile apps. Low-code is the better choice if you seek a fully customized website design, complex logic, and integrations with other services.

Examples: Appian, Retool, Pega Platform.


No-code platforms for web development have evolved to the point where you can create stylish and functional websites within hours. Of course, it won’t be as complex and unique as a low-code website. Nonetheless, you’ll be able to build a functional website with a decent number of business integrations. The choice of platforms is also quite extensive so you will be able to choose the perfect solutions for your business needs and budget.

Webflow drag-n-drop interface
Webflow drag-n-drop interface.

Examples: Webflow, Wix, Squarespace.

Internal tool builders


Low-code internal tool builders serve as a highway to enterprise-level workflow accelerators and complex task automation apps. Such internal tools can serve both developers and businesses, offering a huge amount of databases, communication tools, and 3’d party services integrations.

Examples: Retool, UI Bakery, DronaHQ.


No-code internal tools usually focus on integrations with a single or few databases and services. As a representation, we can take the platforms that organize data from multiple sources (spreadsheets, applications, etc.) in a more aesthetic way and allows users to manipulate the data easily through the no-code app interface. They are also great for the customer and internal info portals. Speaking of the no-code automation tools, they can accomplish simple tasks like the auto-mail response or other one-way/two-way communication processes. 

Examples: Internal, Stacker, Processica, JetAdmin.

How to choose between low-code and no-code

To make the final decision on what type of platform matches your business case the most, check our small comparison table below.

Low-code vs. No-code: specs comparison table.
Low-code vs. No-code: specs comparison table.

Start your low-code development project today

Want to create a low-code application or tool? You can start here and book a free consultation with our CTO, Evgeny Lupanov. We’ll analyze your business needs and provide you with the information on the development timeframes and resources necessary to fulfill your demand. We work with Retool, Bidibase, DronHQ, UI Bakery, AppSmith, JetAdmin, and other low-code development services. 

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Akveo's case

Building Reconciliation Tool for e-commerce company

Our client was in need of streamlining and simplifying its monthly accounting reconciliation process – preferably automatically. But with a lack of time and low budget for a custom build, development of a comprehensive software wasn’t in the picture. After going through the case and customer’s needs, we decided to implement Retool. And that was the right choice.

The scope of work

Our team developed a custom reconciliation tool designed specifically for the needs of high-volume transaction environments. It automated the processes and provided a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring discrepancies and anomalies in real-time.

The implementation of Retool significantly reduced manual effort, as well as fostered a more efficient and time-saving reconciliation process.

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Creating Retool Mobile App for a Wine Seller

A leading spirits and wine seller in Europe required the development of an internal mobile app for private client managers and administrators. The project was supposed to be done in 1,5 months. Considering urgency and the scope of work, our developers decided to use Retool for swift and effective development.

The scope of work

Our developers built a mobile application tailored to the needs of the company's sales force: with a comprehensive overview of client interactions, facilitated order processing, and enabled access to sales history and performance metrics. It was user-friendly, with real-time updates, seamlessly integrated with existing customer databases. 

The result? Increase in productivity of the sales team and improved decision-making process. But most importantly, positive feedback from the customers themselves.

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Developing PoC with Low Code for a Tour Operator

To efficiently gather, centralize, and manage data is a challenge for any tour operator. Our client was not an exception. The company was seeking to get an internal software that will source information from third-party APIs and automate the travel itinerary creation process. Preferably, cost- and user-friendly tool.

The scope of work

Our experts ensured the client that all the requirements could be covered by Retool. And just in 40 hours a new software was launched. The tool had a flexible and easy-to-use interface with user authentication and an access management system panel – all the company needed. At the end, Retool was considered the main tool to replace the existing system.

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Akveo's case

Testing New Generation of Lead Management Tool with Retool

Our client, a venture fund, had challenges with managing lead generation and client acquisition. As the company grew, it aimed to attract more clients and scale faster, as well as automate the processes to save time, improve efficiency and minimize human error. The idea was to craft an internal lead generation tool that will cover all the needs. We’ve agreed that Retool will be a perfect tool for this.

The scope of work

The project initially began as a proof of concept, but soon enough, with each new feature delivered, the company experienced increased engagement and value. 

We developed a web tool that integrates seamlessly with Phantombuster for data extraction and LinkedIn for social outreach. Now, the company has a platform that elevates the efficiency of their lead generation activities and provides deep insights into potential client bases.

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Building an Advanced Admin Portal for Streamlined Operations

Confronted with the need for more sophisticated internal tools, an owner of IP Licensing marketplace turned to Retool to utilize its administrative functions. The primary goal was to construct an advanced admin portal that could support complex, multi-layered processes efficiently.

The scope of work

Our client needed help with updating filters and tables for its internal platform. In just 30 hours we've been able to update and create about 6 pages. Following features were introduced: add complex filtering and search, delete records, styling application with custom CSS. 

Together, we have increased performance on most heavy pages and fixed circular dependency issues.

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Akveo's case

Creating MVP Dashboard for Google Cloud Users

Facing the challenge of unoptimized cloud resource management, a technology firm working with Google Cloud users was looking for a solution to make its operations more efficient. The main idea of the project was to create an MVP for e-commerce shops to test some client hypotheses. Traditional cloud management tools fell short.

The scope of work

Determined to break through limitations, our team of developers turned Retool. We decided to craft an MVP Dashboard specifically for Google Cloud users. This wasn't just about bringing data into view; but about reshaping how teams interact with their cloud environment.

We designed a dashboard that turned complex cloud data into a clear, strategic asset  thanks to comprehensive analytics, tailored metrics, and an intuitive interface, that Retool provides. As the results, an increase in operational efficiency, significant improvement in cost management and resource optimization.

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Elevating CRM with Custom HubSpot Sales Dashboard

Our other client, a SaaS startup, that offers collaborative tools for design and engineering teams, was on a quest to supercharge their sales efforts. Traditional CRM systems were limited and not customizable enough. The company sought a solution that could tailor HubSpot to their workflow and analytics needs.

The scope of work

Charged with the task of going beyond standard CRM functions, our team turned to Retool. We wanted to redefine how sales teams interact with their CRM. 

By integrating advanced analytics, custom metrics, and a user-friendly interface, our developers provided a solution that transformed data into a strategic asset.

In 40 hours, three informative dashboards were developed, containing the most sensitive data related to sales activities. These dashboards enable our customer to analyze sales and lead generation performance from a different perspective and establish the appropriate KPIs.

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Retool for Sales and CRM Integration

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Building a PDF Editor with Low-Code

Our client, a leading digital credential IT startup, needed a lot of internal processes to be optimized. But the experience with low-code tools wasn’t sufficient. That’s why the company decided to hire professionals. And our team of developers joined the project.

The scope of work

The client has a program that designs and prints custom badges for customers. The badges need to be “mail-merged” with a person’s info and turned into a PDF to print. But what is the best way to do it?

Our developers decided to use Retool as a core tool. Using custom components and JavaScript, we developed a program that reduced employees' time for designing, putting the data, verifying, and printing PDF badges in one application.

As a result, the new approach significantly reduces the time required by the internal team to organize all the necessary staff for the conference, including badge creation.

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